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Establishment and evaluation of a rat model of inhalation lung injury induced by ship smoke

Xinxin Duan, Jin Dong, Shang He, Chengbin Wang, Haiwei Zhou


Objective: We aimed to establish and evaluate a rat model of inhalation lung injury induced by ship smoke. Methods: We monitored the changes of oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide concentration within 20 min after combustion of ship materials with a AIKE four in one gas detector. We detected the changes of arterial blood gas, coagulation time, and lung moisture content (%). Macroscopic and microscopic changes in lung tissue were observed to understand the degree of lung injury. Results: We set 5 g ship materials and smoked 15 min as experimental conditions. Metabolic acidosis in the early stage after inhalation, but metabolic acidosis combined with respiratory acidosis in later stage. Histopathological observation showed diffuse hemorrhage, edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in lung tissue as manifestations of lung injury, and the injury did not recover at 72 h after inhalation, the change of blood coagulation function was not statistically significant. Conclusion: A rat model of inhalation lung injury induced by ship smoke was successfully established, which has the advantages of easy replication, stability and reliability. It can be used to research and treatment inhalation lung injury induced by ship smoke in naval war environment and other cases.


ship smoke; inhalation injury; models; animal

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