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Cordyceps at a glance: Miraculous metabolite and molecular insights

Loknath Deshmukh, Rupesh Thakur, Aanchal Sonkuwar, Sardul Singh Sandhu


As an entomopathogenic fungus with significantpharmacological and therapeutic implications, particularly for humanhealth, Cordyceps sp. is a good alternative for ethnopharmacological use.A unique bio-metabolite termed Cordycepin (3′deoxyadenosine), whichhas extremely significant anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, andanti-inflammatory properties, is the main component of the extractmade from this fungus. Due to their diverse biological functions,Cordyceps fungi have long drawn the interest of scientists; nonetheless, ithas been difficult to successfully isolate active monomer molecules fromthem. Fungi produce significantly fewer substances in the lab than theydo in the wild. In this review, I go through recent discoveries about thetranscriptional and epigenetic control of BGCs as well as the ecologicalfunctions of fungal secondary metabolites in development, defense, andwarfare. I also look at ways to find new fungal metabolites and thedifficulties associated with gathering secondary metabolites derivedfrom fungi. Metabolites serve a variety of purposes, including energyproduction, structural support, signaling and modulation of enzymeactivity (often as an enzyme cofactor), defense, and interactions withother organisms (such as the production of pigments, odorants, andpheromones). Refocusing and reviving efforts to mine the fungalsecondary metabolome has been one of the most interestingdevelopments in the field of microbiology. Cordyceps sp., anentomopathogenic fungus, is a potential ethnopharmacological sourcedue to its unique bio-metabolite, Cordycepin, which has anti-cancer,anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Its potentialapplications include immune system effects, DNA technology,metagenomics, kidney and cardiovascular systems, and cancerprevention in food and cosmetic industries.


Cordyceps species; future aspects; genetic studies; metabolic research; immunomodulatory effect

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