Remote Sensing Technology

Journal Abbreviation: Remot. Sens. Tech.

Publication Frequency: The publication frequency of Remote Sensing Technology is bi-annual.

Article Processing Charges (APC):Click here for more details

Publishing Model: Open Access

Submission to final decision: days

Acceptance to publication: days

   About the Journal

Remote Sensing Technology (RST) combines the key points and needs of the international remote sensing industry in different periods and publishes the latest international scientific research achievements and the results of key research projects. It hopes to play an important role in the development of international remote sensing science and technology and personnel training, and will become an international Influential academic journal in the field of remote sensing and geographic information science. Remote Sensing Technology is devoted to reporting research reports and periodical research briefings and high-level evaluations in the field of remote sensing and related subjects with international advanced level. Emphasis on reflecting new concepts, new achievements, and new developments in the field. The content covers the basic theory of remote sensing, the development of remote sensing technology and the application of remote sensing in resource and environmental fields such as agriculture, forestry, hydrology, mining, oceanography, surveying and mapping, disaster monitoring, geographic information system research.



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Posted: 2023-09-06 More...
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