- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Publishing Ethics
- Authorship
- Conflict of Interest
- Plagiarism
- Language
- Erratum, Retraction & Withdrawal Policy
- Permission and Reprints
- Editorial Policies
- Publication Frequency
- Indexing & Archiving
- Disclaimer
- Copyright
- Advertising Policy
- Article Processing Charges (APCs)
- Privacy Statement
- Human & Animal Research
- Patient Anonymity and Privacy
- Open Access Policy
- License
Focus and Scope
Optoelectronics Reports (OER) is a strictly peer-reviewed open-access journal. It accept original academic submissions with unique innovation and novel research ideas in the field of Optoelectronics. Optoelectronics Reports (OER) is committed to providing a forum for the global researchers to promote the development of Optoelectronics technology. Original research articles, reviews, case reports are very welcomed.
Topics include but are not limited:
- Organic Semiconductors;
- Organic Photonics
- Organic Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.
Section Policies
Original Research Articles
Original research articles should contain completely new principal research testifying major contributions to the field. The study should represent new findings or discoveries in a subject area that were not published before. The report may contain significant findings, methodology importance and considerable evidence to the conclusions.
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Review Articles
Reviews articles are summarized descriptions of recent findings and significant developments at particular subject area of research considering the Journal’s scope. They should include critical assessments of novel technologies, evaluation of subject advancement, elucidate unresolved questions, comparative analysis with a substantial coverage of previous works and highlight future prospects. Although there are no restrictions with the length and content of a review, authors should consider drawing reader’s attention and interest with quality information.
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Editorials reflect the opinion of an Editorial Board member or staff for particular Journal highlighting recent changes, concerned issues or announcements in relevance to the journal. This may include editorial management and policies.
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Case Reports
Case Reports summarize the execution of a collaborative research program that is directly related to the advancement of optoelectronics.
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Methods present new or improved version of experimental methods, tests or procedures pertaining to the field of optoelecronics.
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Peer Review Process
All papers submitted to Optoelectronics Reports (OER) are subjected to a stringent double blind peer review process. This is to uphold the high quality of papers published in OER and ensure that the reporting of research work is truthful and accurate.
- Upon submission, the article is reviewed by OER in-house editors to assess its suitability for the journal based on the editorial policy and procedural guidelines.
- The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) carefully evaluates each manuscript to determine if its topic and content are suitable for consideration.
- The accepted manuscripts are then assigned by the EIC to the associate editors according to their respective areas of expertise.
- The associate editor selects reviewers from the editorial board or external reviewers who are suitably qualified to assess the paper.
- Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript’s originality, methodology, contribution to the literature, presentation of results and support for the conclusions, and appropriate referencing of previous relevant studies.
- Post-evaluation by the reviewers, the manuscript is sent to the associate editor who makes one of the following recommendations: accept, accept with minor revision, or reject.
- The manuscript is then passed to the EIC who makes the final decision.
- If EIC suggests minor revisions, authors are given a maximum of 30 days to revise and resubmit the article.
- If EIC suggests major revisions, authors are given a maximum of 90 days to revise and resubmit the article.
- After re-submission of the revised manuscript, the above steps are repeated before the paper is accepted for publication.
- Authors of rejected submissions are advised to make an appeal in writing to editorial-oer@acad-pub.com
- Written appeals should include specific reasons for the appeal and point-by-point response to the reviewers' suggestions and criticisms.
- Decisions made on appeals by the EIC are final and no further considerations will be made.
Publication Frequency
The publication frequency of Optoelectronics Reports (OER) is quarterly.
Open Access Policy
This journal is in the Gold Open Access model. This means that the article is universally and freely accessible without charge to users.
Papers will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) by default.
Publishing Ethics
Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. follows the rules, regulations and best practices set by:
Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
The Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing as stipulated by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)
World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)
Experiments should be carried out in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the International Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) or Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) and in accordance with local laws and regulations. All studies using human or animal subjects should include an explicit statement in the Material and Methods section identifying the review and ethics committee approval for each study, if applicable. The statement will be displayed in the final publication. An informed consent should be obtained for all clinical treatment where disclosure is required regarding medical information, that includes discussion on the risks, benefits, and alternatives.
The Editorial Office adopts a zero-tolerance policy concerning any misconducts. The complainant could direct all correspondence to editorial-oer@acad-pub.com. The Editorial Office will deal with it according to the procedure set out in the COPE.
Authorship should meet the following 3 points at the same time:
- have made substantial contributions to the conception, design, acquisition and analysis of data;
- have made intellectual contribution to writing the manuscript or revising it;
- final approval of the version to be published.
All authors must read and approve the final version of the manuscript. All the authors have the right to explain the questions raised, and agree the author rank before publishing.
Changes to Authorship
The Editorial Office considers the authorship list is definitive by the time the original submission is received.
Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript is accepted for publication. The corresponding author should provide the reasons for the change in authorship list and the proof of written confirmation from all authors (including the existing authors, author(s) to be added and/or removed) agreeing with such change, to the Editorial Office.
The requests for authorship changes need to be approved by the Editorial Office before any changes can be made.
Conflict of Interest
- For author: authors must declare any potential conflict of interest in related to the research when submitting the manuscript, including academic competition, financial benefits, etc.
- For editors: editors should assess their own potential conflicts, must not be one of the co-authors, and avoid participating in the whole peer-review process.
- For reviewers: reviewers should avoid relationship with any author. If they feel unable to be objective, they must declare potential interest, and decline to review the manuscript.
Academic Publisher is a member of CrossCheck by CrossRef and iThenticate. All submissions are screened by iThenticate. Any plagiarism(fabrication or falsification of data) are strictly unacceptable practices, including duplicate publication without proper citations.
If plagiarism is detected, we will follow the flowcharts of COPE for how to handle cases of potential plagiarism in a submitted manuscript or a published article. We will inform the all the authors and their institutions about the case.
The language used in manuscripts submitted to Optoelectronics Reports (OER) is English. Authors whose first language is not English may want to have their manuscripts professionally edited before the final submission to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by its prospective readers.
Erratum, Retraction & Withdrawal Policy
Editors, authors and readers, whoever find a correction is required in the publication, please feel free to contact editorial-oer@acad-pub.com. Please clearly state the content needing to be changed. Please also send the article title, DOI, and page number to us. Upon approvement by the Editorial Office, an erratum will be published in the current issue.
Retraction policy
The journal consider retract the publication if:
- Editor have clear evidence that the result is unreliable, tendency of misconduct, or evident calculation error, etc.
- It reports unethical research including plagiarism.
PI abides by Retraction Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please note that APCs will not be refunded due to the retraction of an article.
Withdrawal policy
This journal does not support withdrawal publication considering that it may be suspected of academic misconduct. If the author can provide reasonable application to Editorial Office after it has been accepted (but not yet published), the Editorial Office has agrees it, then processing fee of USD 200 is chargeable upon withdrawal.
Permission and Reprints
The authors reserve the copyright. Papers will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) by default. It is free to use, copy, download, distribute and reuse as long as the original source are properly cited. All the publications could be explored to the e-version, if you’d like to discuss in more detail how our content could work with your marketing strategy, please get in touch: editorial-oer@acad-pub.com.
Editorial Policies
Authors should read the “Author Guidelines” before making a submission, and make sure that the manuscripts were written in accordance to the style and specifications of the journal’s policy.
All manuscripts submitted to Optoelectronics Reports (OER) are subject to rigorous peer review. Prior to peer review process, the manuscripts will be screened for acceptable English language, novelty and relevance to the Focus and Scope of the journal.
Any manuscripts submitted to Optoelectronics Reports (OER) will be treated as confidential materials. The manuscripts will not be disclosed to anyone except individuals such as editorial staff, reviewers and editors who participate in the initial screening, review, processing and preparation of the manuscript for publication (if accepted).
A manuscript would not be accepted if it has been published or is currently under consideration for publication in any other journals. The authors are required to notify the editorial team if the findings and data in their submissions have been presented in conferences.
Publication Frequency
The publication frequency of Optoelectronics Reports (OER) is quarterly.
Indexing & Archiving
- All the publications will be archived by Portico.
- Authors are encouraged to self-archive the final version of their published articles into institutional repositories (such as those listed in the Directory of Open Access Repositories).
- Authors are also encouraged to use the final PDF version published on the website of Academic Publisher.
This journal is not liable to the statements, perspectives, and opinions contained in the published articles. This journal and the Publisher disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas or products referred to in the articles or advertisements.
Authors retain the copyright, and they agree to make their original work completely available and free to use, copy, download, distribute and reuse as long as the original source are properly cited. Authors must declare that there are no any academic misconduct, and will grant the right of first publication by signing a License to Publish Agreement before formal publication.
Advertising Policy
All advertisements are subject to approval to the Publisher. Advertisements must comply with the relevant regulations in the country where the advertisements appear. For more inquiries, please send email to editorial-oer@acad-pub.com.
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. publishes all its journals in Gold Open Access format. In order to defray our editorial and production costs, authors of the accepted articles are required to pay $1000 for the article processing charges (APCs). The charges will come from authors' institutes or research funding bodies.
Waiver policy
The journal develops a waiver policy for authors from low-income countries. Please contact editorial-oer@acad-pub.com for application. OER reserves the right to approve or reject a waiver application.
Privacy Statement
The information from manuscripts including the authors’ name, addresses, and email, will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. The collected information will not be available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Human & Animal Research
Human research
If human subjects were used in the experiments, authors should identify the committee or organization (e.g. author’s Institutional Ethics Review Board) approving the experiments during the submitting process, which should also detail ethics approval information such as the name of the granting committee or organization and the approval identifiers, i.e. reference numbers. This journal requires that authors provide a proof of research ethics or ethics statement along with the submission. In the case that ethics approval identifiers are not available, written approval from the granting committee or organization must be provided as confidential supplemental file.
The manuscript should confirm that the experiments were carried out in adherence to the ethical principles set out in the WMA Declaration of Helsinki and that informed consent was obtained from all human subjects.
For investigations undertaken on human subjects, the manner in which the informed consent was obtained from the study participants (i.e., oral or written) should be stated clearly as well.
The authors should inform the study participants of the purpose(s) of publication, the possible risks and benefits as a result of the experiment, and the patient's right to withhold or withdraw consent. Consent should be obtained from the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) if the study participant is a minor.
Authors are obliged to declare and clearly specify any restrictions on the availability or the use of human data in the manuscript.
Authors are encouraged to follow the CARE guidelines while reporting a clinical case that involves the human subject. If the article reporting guidelines suggested by the Optoelectronics Reports (OER) were not pertinent to your work, please look for and refer to the appropriate reporting standards as found on EQUATOR Network, which have been adopted by the field of the works or which apply to their study design.
Animal research
For studies reporting experiments that involve testing on regulated animals (i.e. all live vertebrates and/or higher invertebrates), authors should identify the committee or organization (e.g. author’s Institutional Ethics Review Board) during the submitting section of the manuscript, which should also detail ethics approval information such as the name of the granting committee or organization and the approval identifiers, i.e. reference numbers. For research conducted on non-regulated animals, a statement should be made as to why ethical approval was not required.
Authors are encouraged to follow the ARRIVE guidelines while reporting animal research.
Experiments on non-human primates should be performed in accordance with the recommendations set out in the Weatherall report (The Use of Non-Human Primates in Research).
Patient Anonymity and Privacy
Human subjects have a right to privacy that should not be violated without informed consent. Identifying information or patient identifiers, including patient names, initials, date of birth, contacts, medical record numbers, hospital numbers, and geographical location, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Efforts must be made by the authors to at least mask or conceal any identifying information of the patients that appear in writing or within photograph.
Authors are obliged to explain to the patient if revealing the patient’s identity cannot be fully avoided, e.g. an image of an identifiable body part like the face has to be published in the report. The relevant identifying information to be published, e.g. the image, must be shown to the patient, and consent for publication taken for the use of that information in the publication. If the patient dies, then consent should be obtained from next of kin or legal representative. Submissions that include identifying patient information without appropriate patient consent will not be considered for publication.
Refer to ICMJE Privacy and Confidentiality guidelines for more information about patient anonymity and privacy.
Open Access Policy
This journal is in the Gold Open Access model. This means that the article is universally and freely accessible without charge to users.
Papers will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) by default.
Papers will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) by default. The journal displays licensing information in its articles.
According to this license, users are free to:
- Share: copy and redistribute the material;
- Adapt: transform, reuse, remix and build upon the material;
- Attribution: could be distributed on the premise of the correct original citation.