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Reaction-diffusion effects and spatiotemporal oscillations under SEM, STM and AFM-assisted charging in fiber-like and wire-like systems: From molecular and quantum wires to cooperative ferroelectric nanofibers and microfibers

Eugene D. Adamovich, Eugenia L. Buryanskaya, Margaret A. Gradova, Oleg V. Gradov


This review addresses the problem of reaction-diffusion effects and spatiotemporal oscillations in fiber-like and wire-like systems under the electron beam in SEM and in the presence of electric field in some special AFM techniques, such as current sensing atomic force microscopy (CS-AFM)/conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM), electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) also known as surface potential microscopy. Some similar reaction-diffusion effects also can be observed in scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM), scanning gate microscopy (SGM), scanning voltage microscopy (SVM) and piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM). At the end of this paper the authors provide analysis of their own results and approaches. In particular, the possibility of achieving the ion transfer controlled growth of cells along the ion concentration gradients in reaction-diffusion fibers and actuators is indicated. This fundamental idea is discussed within the framework of the implantable fiber “bioiontronics” and “neuroiontronics” controlled by acoustic and electrical signals that regulate the reaction-diffusion or chemical oscillation activity of such fiber structures as reaction-diffusion actuators and sensors. The literature review includes more than 130 references.


dielectric charging; reaction-diffusion; iontronics; nanofibers and microfibers

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