Prof. Nicole Jeanne Jaffrezic-Renault as Editor-in-Chief of Microsensors

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Nicole Jeanne Jaffrezic-Renault has been appointed Editor in Chief of Microsensors. Her term started in April 2023. 

Dr. Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault received her engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, Paris, in 1971 and the Doctorat d’Etat és Sciences Physiques from the University of Paris in 1976. She is Emeritus Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, past president of the chemical micro sensor club (CMC2), president of the Analytical Division and member of the administrative council of the French Chemical Society. She was decorated as Knight of the Legion of Honor and Officer of the National Order of Merit. Her research activities in the Institute of Analytical Sciences, include conception and design of (bio) chemical sensors and their integration in microsystems. She coordinates several European and national projects for the development of microsystems for biomedical and environmental monitoring and for food safety. She published more than 560 papers with more than 11400 citations (H-index: 65).

The Microsensors editorial team warmly welcomes Prof. Nicole Jeanne Jaffrezic-Renault as the Editor-in-Chief and looks forward to his contribution to the continued success of Microsensors. For further information on the journal Editorial Board, please check here.