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Topological analysis of multiple tables

Rafik Abdesselam


The paper proposes a topological approach in order to explore several data tables simultaneously. These data tables of quantitative and/or qualitative variables measured on different homogeneous themes, collected from the same individuals. This approach, called topological analysis of multiple tables (TAMT), is based on the notion of neighborhood graphs in the context of a joint analysis of several data tables. It allows the simultaneous study of possible links between several thematic tables. The structure of the correlations or associations of the variables in each thematic table is analyzed according to quantitative, qualitative or mixed variables considered. Like the multiple factorial analysis (MFA), the TAMT allows several tables of variables to be analyzed simultaneously, and to obtain results, in particular graphical representations, which make it possible to study the relationship between individuals, variables and tables of data. These can also be tables of temporal data, collected at different times on the same individuals. The proposed TAMT approach is illustrated using real data associated with several and different homogeneous themes. Its results are compared to those from the MFA method.


multiple data tables; proximity measure; neighborhood graph; adjacency matrix; factorial analysis; clustering

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