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A comprehensive review article on fractional models involving ecology and eco-epidemiology

Sanjukta Pramanik, Krishna Pada Das, Partha Karmakar, Seema Sarkar Mondal


This paper deals with the various definitions involved in the very old yet novel topic called fractional calculus. This survey intends to report some of the major works carried out in the arena of fractional calculus that took place since 2010. Fractional calculus is a prominent topic for research within the discipline of applied mathematics doe to its usefulness in solving problems in several different branches of science, engineering, medicine, finance, economics and the likes. With the various definitions involved in this field, we explore the various models taken into consideration to study the effect and impact of fractional calculus to understand how the dynamics of such models change.


Caputo fractional derivative; Mittag-Leffler function; paradox of enrichment; Feigenbaums constants; generalized Hyers-Ulam stability

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77. Ghosh U, Thirthar AA, Mondal B, Majumdar P. Effect of fear, treatment, and hunting cooperation on an eco-epidemiological model: Memory effect in terms of fractional derivative. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science 2022; 46(6): 1541–1554. doi: 10.1007/s40995-022-01371-w

78. Moustafa M, Abdullah FA, Shafie S, Amirsom NA. Global stability of a fractional-order eco-epidemiological model with infected predator: theoretical analysis. Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience 2023; 2023: 56.

79. Rahmi E, Darti I, Suryanto A, Trisilowati T. A fractional-order eco-epidemiological Leslie-Gower model with double Allee effect and disease in predator. International Journal of Differential Equations 2023; 2023: 1–24. doi: 10.1155/2023/5030729

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