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Improved generalized self-consistent model in predicting the applicability of the refractory material mechanics behavior research

Zhixing Huang, Zhigang Wang, Xianjun Li, Jiawen Li, Tianyang Zhou, Dongshuo Wang


The improved generalized self-consistent model (GSCM) has shown good performance in predicting the mechanical properties of multiphase refractory materials. In this study, three representative refractory materials were selected to investigate the applicability of this model. Under ambient conditions, the mechanical properties of aluminum-magnesium-carbon material with multiple inclusions, magnesium-carbon material with low matrix and high aggregate content, and aluminum matrix material were predicted. The damage behavior of the materials under compression was simulated using an iterative method. The results showed that the GSCM still exhibited good predictive performance for the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of multiphase inclusion materials and aluminum matrix materials, with errors of approximately 5%. When simulating the compressed damage behavior, the maximum error for AMC-type materials was around 10%, while for aluminum matrix materials, it was around 25%. The maximum errors occurred near the maximum strain, which was attributed to the excessive pore conversion rate in the GSCM when simulating material damage. At non-maximum strains, the fitting error was within an acceptable range, achieving the purpose of estimating the mechanical properties of the materials using this model. However, the predictive performance for materials with low matrix and high aggregate content was poor due to the inherent characteristics of these materials, where the matrix cannot effectively encapsulate the aggregates, resulting in heterogeneous mechanical properties at the macroscopic level. The limitations of the GSCM mechanism prevented it from achieving accurate predictions in such cases. In conclusion, the generalized self-consistent model can be applied to estimate the mechanical properties of various composite materials. However, for materials with heterogeneous mechanical properties, such as those where the matrix cannot effectively encapsulate the particle phase, the GSCM is not suitable.


generalized self-consistent model; multiphase refractory materials; mechanical property prediction; damage behavior; iterative method

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Copyright (c) 2024 Zhixing Huang, Zhigang Wang, Xianjun Li, Jiawen Li, Tianyang Zhou, Dongshuo Wang

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