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A review of the sustainability indicators’ application in vehicle routing problem

Mohammad Taghipour


In today’s competitive market, reducing costs and time is one of the most important issues that has occupied the minds of managers and researchers. With the expansion of industries, almost all businesses need a supply chain management system that is first able to meet the needs of customers and secondly by providing modern solutions to reduce time and cost, have the necessary efficiency to meet the challenges of the logistics industry and the supply chain. This issue is especially important in the field of supply chain management and transportation, because by reducing time and cost, manufacturers and service providers can gain a competitive advantage over competitors. Accordingly, vehicle routing issues are one of the most important issues in this field because it is directly related to the time of service or product delivery and also by optimizing the network, reduces the cost of the entire network. In this research some studies on the issue of sustainability in the transportation network have been discussed, which is a review of previous research in this field.


transportation; stability indices; vehicle routing problem

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