Research progress of nanoformulations
Submission deadline: 2023-09-02
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

In our journal Nano Materials and Nano Drugs, a special issue is calling for papers about nanoformulations.

Nanoformulations of medicinal drugs have attracted the interest of many researchers. Nanonization of drugs improves their solubility, in turn enhancing their bioavailability and permeability. Some of the nanoformulations are dendrimers, polymeric nanoparticles, liposomes, nano-emulsions and micelles, which are gaining prominence in the pharmaceutical industry for enhanced drug formulation. Different phytochemicals including curcumin, berberine, resveratrol, naringenin, emodin, quercetin, scutellarin, silybin, baicalin, and others have been nanosized, and their nanosizing method and effect in treatment have been reviewed and discussed. Wide varieties of synthesis methods are available for the preparation of nanoformulations. The methods depend on the size and shape of the particulate formulation, the biochemical properties of the drug, and the targeted site.

Targeted therapy achieved by nanoformulations is a boon for healthcare as it improves the overall efficacy of therapy and reduces untoward effects on normal cells. What’s more, nanoformulations somewhat overcome multidrug resistance. Nanoformulations also work well in theranostics, where a single nanocarrier exerts a therapeutic effect while acting as a diagnostic agent. Nanotechnology is a promising strategy to overcome the shortcomings of conventional therapy.

In this issue, we are sincerely soliciting papers on nanoformulation. It is a topic of a wide range. All topics involving nanoformulation are welcomed such as the synthesis methods, silver nanoparticles used in the medical field, multidrug resistance of nanoformulation, the combination of nanotechnology and traditional medicine, challenges faced by nanoformulation, etc.


the synthesis methods, silver nanoparticles used in the medical field, multidrug resistance of nanoformulation, the combination of nanotechnology and traditional medicine, challenges faced by nanoformulation, etc.

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