Research progress of technology frameworks in smart cities
Submission deadline: 2023-09-01
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

In our journal Information System and Smart City, a special issue is calling for papers about technology frameworks in smart cities.

Information system in smart cities is an open communication channel between project developers, cities, institutions, industry and experts. It allows stakeholders to exchange data, experiences and knowledge and to collaborate in the creation of smart cities and energy-efficient urban environments.

In the background that digital technology is changing our world, a smart city relies heavily on the deployment of technology. To support smart cities in selecting and designing the most appropriate policy interventions to address the technology challenges identified, specifically, the issue provides an overview of the most relevant urban technology framework policies around efficient and sustainable management of technology resources by all citizens, digital infrastructure, intelligent infrastructure, wired infrastructure, the hybrid use of technology, etc.

Infrastructures and institutions must be technologically prepared to provide them with new solutions and functions to make life easier for all citizens.

All policies are further illustrated by relevant case studies in information systems and smart cities. Therefore, in the first issue of ISSC, we welcome all articles about technology framework research. Potential topics are suggested but not limited to related policies and laws of different countries, information infrastructure, communication infrastructure, wired infrastructure, models of technology framework in smart cities, etc.


policies and laws of different countries, information infrastructure, communication infrastructure, wired infrastructure, models of technology framework in smart cities, etc.

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