Research progress of solar and geothermal electricity
Submission deadline: 2023-08-29
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

In our journal Green Electricity, a special issue is calling for papers about solar and geothermal electricity.

Solar energy uses the sun’s light and heat to produce renewable green electricity. The most common form of solar electricity is harnessed through solar panels or photovoltaic cells. In photovoltaic power stations, they are arranged almost edge-to-edge to capture the sun’s rays over a large area. You will also sometimes see them on houses and other buildings rooves. These cells are made of semiconductor material. When sunlight hits the cell, it loosens the electrons from their atoms. This allows electrons to flow through the cell and produce electricity.

Geothermal electricity is electrical power generated from geothermal energy. Dry steam power stations, flash steam power stations, and binary cycle power stations are in use. Geothermal electricity generation is currently used in 26 countries. Geothermal electricity is very efficient. The system provides three to four units of heating energy for every unit of electricity used - with efficiencies of up to 300 to 400 percent. Geothermal systems can also provide additional energy security from fluctuations in the price of fossil fuel commodities.

Solar energy and geothermal energy are a good couple and they are often combined. Solar augmented geothermal energy (SAGE) creates a synthetic geothermal storage resource by heating a natural brine with solar energy and adding enough heat when the sun shines to generate power 24 hours a day. In this issue, we are sincerely inviting scholars to submit articles on solar and geothermal electricity. All related topics are welcome such as the combination of solar and geothermal electricity, solar augmented geothermal energy (SAGE), photovoltaics, pros and cons of solar electricity, pros and cons of geothermal electricity, etc.


 the combination of solar and geothermal electricity, solar augmented geothermal energy (SAGE), photovoltaics, pros and cons of solar electricity, pros and cons of geothermal electricity, etc.

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