Research progress of hydroelectricity
Submission deadline: 2023-08-26
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

In our journal Green Electricity, a special issue is calling for papers about hydroelectricity.

Hydroelectricity, also known as hydropower, is electricity generated by turbine-driven generators that convert the potential energy of falling or fast-moving water into mechanical energy. At the beginning of the 21st century, hydroelectricity was the most widely utilized form of renewable energy, in 2019 it accounted for more than 18% of the world’s total electricity production.

Hydroelectric power stations are usually located in dams that impound rivers, thus raising the water level behind the dam and creating the highest possible head. The potential power that can be obtained from a given volume of water is proportional to the working head, so a high head installation requires less water to generate the same amount of power as a low head installation. In some dams, the power station is built on one side of the dam, and part of the dam is used as a spillway, through which excess water is discharged during floods. 

Hydroelectricity is more environmentally friendly than other major sources of electricity that use fossil fuels. Hydroelectricity stations do not emit waste heat and gas - which is common in fossil fuel-powered facilities - a major cause of air pollution, global warming, and acid rain.

We are looking forward to soliciting more articles on hydroelectricity. Topics such as hydroelectric power plant, hydro turbine, the pros and cons, combination of hydro and other energy electricity, the future of hydroelectricity, etc. are highly welcome here.


hydroelectric power plant, hydro turbine, the pros and cons, combination of hydro and other energy electricity, the future of hydroelectricity, etc.

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