Research progress of biomass electricity
Submission deadline: 2023-08-26
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

In our journal Green Electricity, a special issue is calling for papers about biomass electricity.

Electricity generated using minimal natural and limited resources (e.g., fossil fuels) can be referred to as green electricity. Efficient use of electricity can also contribute significantly to mitigating the effects of global warming. As a result, increasing attention is being paid to the efficiency of the various electrical appliances used in homes, industry and commerce. 

Biomass is renewable organic material that comes from living organisms, such as plants and animals. The most common biomass materials used for energy are plants and waste. Biomass can be converted into electricity by several methods. The most common method is the direct combustion of biomass materials, such as agricultural waste or woody materials. Other options include gasification, pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion. Gasification produces a synthesis gas with a usable energy content by heating the biomass and using less oxygen than is required for complete combustion. Pyrolysis produces bio-oil by rapidly heating biomass under oxygen-free conditions. Anaerobic digestion produces renewable natural gas in the absence of oxygen as the organic matter is broken down by bacteria. Thus, by taking small steps in the use of biomass electricity, you can make a significant contribution to saving energy and thereby help to keep the environment green.

In this issue, papers on biomass electricity are highly welcomed to submit. Potential topics are recommended but are not limited to the pros and cons of biomass electricity, biomass material botany, industrialization of biomass electricity, biomass fuel, biomass power plant, etc.


the pros and cons of biomass electricity, biomass material botany, industrialization of biomass electricity, biomass fuel, biomass power plant, etc.

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