Advances in nano eco-materials
Submission deadline: 2023-08-26
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

In our journal Ecomaterials, a special issue is calling for papers about nano eco-materials.

Nanomaterials are materials whose single unit is generally sized (in at least one dimension) between 1-100nm. The field of nanotechnology is one of the most popular areas of research in modern material science. Natural nanomaterials---Nanomaterials made by nature through (bio)geochemical or mechanical processes that are not directly or indirectly linked to human activities or anthropogenic processes. Nanotechnology products and their applications are expected to make a significant contribution to environmental protection. However, the assessment of environmental and human risks associated with the use of nanomaterials is still a matter of debate, and environmental protection is not a primary objective in most commercially available nano products. Furthermore, the synthesis process of nanomaterials often produces toxic by-products or must be carried out at high temperatures or pressures, which will inevitably lead to serious energy consumption, especially when scalability of production becomes necessary.

In this issue, we are looking forwards to soliciting articles on nanomaterials with a special focus on all aspects related to respect for human health and environmental safety. Potential topics are suggested but not limited to the methods to reduce the nano materials’ toxicity to the environment, the design, characterization, production and application of nano eco-materials.


the methods to reduce the nano materials’ toxicity to the environment, the design of nano eco-materials, characterization of nano eco-materials, production of nano eco-materials, application of nano eco-materials, etc.

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