Selection of eco-materials
Submission deadline: 2023-08-26
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

In our journal Ecomaterials, a special issue is calling for papers about the selection of eco-materials.

Eco-materials are “materials (or material technologies) with excellent properties and good performance that can be manufactured, used, recycled or disposed of while having a low environmental impact and being friendly to humans.” There is a wide range of environmentally friendly eco-materials, including recyclable materials, materials that do not contain harmful substances, materials that are produced under low-energy and clean conditions, materials that purify contaminated materials that purify polluted water and air, and materials that are very efficient and resource-saving while offering high performance, and much more.

Material selection is complex, and each material can come with its tradeoffs. In addition to the material’s properties, ease of manufacture, cost and other attributes relevant to its application area, its impact on the environment has become an indispensable consideration. Every eco-material and product has an environmental footprint characterized by manufacturing, processing, design, durability and reusability.

In this special issue, we invite theoretical and applied cutting-edge research on eco-material selection, potential topics include but are not limited to environmentally friendly building materials, sustainable product design, the cost of different eco-materials, tools or websites for eco-materials selection, vehicle design, etc. We welcome active articles from scholars all over the world.


environmentally friendly building materials, sustainable product design, the cost of different eco-materials, tools or websites for eco-materials selection, vehicle design, etc.

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