Wireless Signal Transmission
Submission deadline: 2023-12-16
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

The manufacturing of new materials and metamaterials for wireless electronics becomes more demanded in Science. The technological advancements in this field of research are enormous. From this wild area of research it is very difficult to collect the more comprehensive and genuine works that could open new interesting fields of applications. There are also a huge amount of open problems in this field of research such as, for example,  the exact classification of the electronic transmission properties and the range of necessary materials to this aim. A series of recently obtained new materials and metamaterials with extraordinary electronic and optical properties are interesting candidates in this subject. The wireless signals transmission could help also for advances in electronic car technologies by providing the new methods for car batteries charging with wireless transmission signal processing.


The Section in the Section Collections titled as “Wireless Signal Transmission” aims to provide the readers about new achievements in the field of wireless electronics and new materials with elaborated wireless transmission of optical signals. The mechanical, optical, thermal and vibrational characteristics during the wireless signal transmission, which affect indeed the purity and shapes of transmitted signals, are the topics of high interest in this Section Collection.  


This Section addresses both practical and theoretical researches in the field. The original researches on the new machine learning technics and quantum computation methods, related to the wireless signal transmission are also welcome for this Section Collection.


We look forward to receive your contributions.

Dr. Associate Professor, Vardan Apinyan

Section Editor


new materials and methods for wireless signal processing; optical signal processing for wireless transmission; thermal properties and vibrational effects on the optical signal processing; signal processing and calibration; quantum design and methods for signal processing; mechanical properties of signal processing; charging batteries via wireless signal transmission

Published Paper