Molecular Electronics
Submission deadline: 2023-12-20
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

The research on advanced materials can no longer be considered as a “scientific luxury” but is becoming a vital necessity, as much as this discipline touches on the environmental aspects, which are as important for the survival of the human species as witnessed by the recent global warming consequences. Low-cost clean energy generation based on molecular materials is one of the most challenging areas of research that would undoubtedly have immeasurable socio-economic benefits worldwide.

Our section collection is devoted to the promotion of technology research and development in multiple sectors with a core focus on molecular electronics, based on an interdisciplinary approach that involves chemical, electrochemical, process engineering and solid state physics skills.

We would like to invite all the scholars, researchers, professors, and scientists to share their ideas and research works in our section collection. You may submit your contributions and ideas related to the field of Molecular electronics and related issues spanning multiple fields, including but not limited to innovative molecular synthesis, dyes, molecular electronic and optoelectronic devices in different application fields such as electroluminescence, photovoltaics, field effect transistors, LASERS etc.

Focusing on the role of innovation in driving scientific advances and breakthroughs, the Section showcases innovative research in the fields of molecular electronics and related topics

If this invitation is agreeable to you, kindly contribute your articles (Research, review, Short communication)

We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Conjugated molecules; dyes; electronic; energy; electroluminescence; photovoltaic; field effect transistor; light emitting diode; photovoltaic cell; OLED; PLED; OFET; OPVC

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