Women's Literature and Gender Studies
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

Women’s literature and Gender Studies have played a crucial role in transforming our comprehension of the complex relationship between literature, culture, and identity. By focusing on women’s experiences, these fields have not only documented both the difficulties and achievements of women throughout history but have also served as catalysts for societal transformation and equalization. The progression of women’s writing, spanning from the contributions of pioneering individuals such as Jane Austen to the contemporary voices of authors like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, reflects the overarching development of society’s perspectives on gender roles. Women’s literature has a rich historical background defined by a persistent resistance to social standards that attempted to restrict women to specific roles. Writers like Virginia Woolf and the Brontë sisters cleared the path for the next generations to question the existing paradigm.

The feminist movement in the 20th century served as a catalytic force, giving rise to a wave of writing aimed at dismantling patriarchal systems and advocating for women’s rights. The dynamic of women’s literature manifests itself in this historical context as a constantly changing force that both reflects and adjusts to the shifting circumstances of the lives of women. Gender studies is an area of research that complements other areas of study by analyzing how gender is constructed and its effects on society. Gender studies offer an extensive framework for comprehending the intricacies of gender dynamics by exploring subjects such as masculinffity studies, queer theory, and intersectionality. The notion of intersectionality recognizes that an individual’s experience is influenced by the simultaneous impact of various elements, such as race, class, and sexual orientation. The idea of a monolithic “womanhood” is fundamentally undermined by this acknowledgement of crossing identities, which also emphasizes the significance of inclusivity in both academic debate and writing.

The influence of women’s literature and gender studies stretches well beyond the boundaries of academia. Through the amplification of marginalized voices and the questioning of cultural norms, these disciplines have a role in driving broader societal transformations. The rigorous analysis of gender norms has facilitated the implementation of new laws, the revision of policies, and an increased recognition of the widespread influence of gender-related prejudice. Moreover, the inclusion of a wide range of experiences in literature promotes empathy and comprehension, bridging divides among various populations and cultivating a more inclusive society. In essence, the trajectory of women’s literature and gender studies entails not just an examination of historical events but also an ongoing endeavour to achieve a more just and fair future. These fields of study stimulate discussions, question established norms, and enable individuals to imagine a world where gender equality is not a theoretical concept but a tangible existence.

This section aims to investigate women's literature and gender studies, and to further highlight the ways in which these genres function as beacons of light as we investigate the complex dynamics of gender, pointing the way towards a future in which gender equality is a shared commitment, all perspectives are valued, and voices are recognized.

We invite scholarly contributions in the areas of Women and Gender Studies

Sub-themes may include

Ø Changing Beauty Standards

Ø Social conditioning and Disability Studies

Ø Beyond the Binaries

Ø Trauma and Memory

Ø Representing Vulnerabilities

Ø Assimilation and Interpolation of Identities

Ø Gender and Media

Dr. Smarika Pareek

Section Editor


Women Studies; Gender Studies; Intersectionality; Media; Trauma; Disability

Published Paper