Biosensors and Biosignal Processing
Submission deadline: 2025-01-09
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

Biosensor is an analytical device or probe that combines nucleic acid, antibody or enzymes with electronic component to generate a measurable biosignal that can easily be detected. To be exact, biosensor consists three components: a biological element, a transducer and a signal processor. Biological element is the substance to interact with the target, such as nucleic acid, antibody or enzymes, the transducer converts the biological interaction into a measurable biosignal and the signal processor is an electronic component that analyses the signal. Biosensors with numerous advantages that make them act as invaluable tools for array fields detecting, such as versatility, sensitivity and real-time measurements. Based on these advantages, biosenser involves different applications, ranging from food analysis, biomolecules, environmental field monitoring, industrial process, tissue engineering to advanced diagnostics. Of course, we also facing some challange include selectivity, specificity, stability and cost-effective production, and the expense of the biological recognition element, the complexity of the biosignal processing. Despite facing challenges, the key to effective strategy is developing high selectivity and specificity biosensors satisfy specific applications. We hope further developments in biosensor breaking through these challenges and broadening their potential applications. For example the important applications of detection of biomolecules, either of a disease marker or targets of a drug. Thus, a biosensor with high selectivity to differentiate its target from similar substances is very necessary.

   It is important to collect the experiences of " Biosensors and Biosignal Processing ". Seminal research articles and reviews in this area of study are welcome.

We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Dr. Shujuan Xu

Section Editor


Biosensors; Disease marker; Analytical device; Drug discovery; Cancer diagnostics; Biosignal; Real-time monitoring; Selectivity and Specificity.

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