Biomass Conversion
Submission deadline: 2023-10-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear colleagues,

Today, remarkable attentions have been paid to the application of biomass for bioenergy production. Also, the biorefinery products are regarded to replace fossil fuels and chemicals so that they are renewable and green form of energy. The researchers are trying to conduct their activities on the reduction of greenhouse gases and other secondary effects caused by fossil fuels to environment. In fact, biomass is considered as a biodegradable product obtained by agricultural wastes and residues, forestry and aquaculture. Biomass could be originated by an extended range of raw materials including wood and wood processing by-products, manure, fractions of organic waste products and agricultural crops. This form of energy shows advantages of easy storage, transportation, flexible load utilization and versatile applications. The knowledge of biomass conversion technologies with thermochemical and biochemical approaches are useful for optimized and economical purposes.

The biomass is a green, clean and sustainable source of energy in the world. There is no doubt this renewable source of energy would be effective alternative for the conventional energy sources. We warmly welcome all authors and contributors as well as expect receiving the novel research woks concentrating on biomass conversion technologies through various approaches such as supercritical fluids technology.

Section Editors

Prof. Gholamhossein Sodeifian

Prof. Vitalii Nitsenko

Prof. Asif Ayub

Prof. Hammadi El Farissi

Prof. Paramathevar Nagaraaj

Prof. Surachai Narrat Jansri

Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad

Dr. Seiko Jose

Prof. Anwar Ahmad

Assoc. Prof. Inga Morkvėnaitė-Vilkončienė

Assoc. Prof. Asif Ali Siyal

Dr. Sunel Kumar

Assoc. Prof. Christian Spreafico

Prof. Mustafa Acaroğlu

Assoc. Prof. Deepak K. B.

Dr. Saeed Reza Hormozi Jangi


biomass; bioenergy; biochemical; environment; supercritical fluids technology; green chemistry; green energy; green electricity; biorefinery products; sustainable energy

Published Paper