Sustainable Finance
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Sustainable finance is new rise in the world of finance including research and economic development.  Investment choices that consider an economic activity or the movement of capital to achieve all seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations members by 2030 with the elements of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects are referred to as sustainable finance. Utilizing sustainable resources or mitigating the climate catastrophe are examples of environmental factors. Human and animal rights, consumer protection, and varied employment practices are examples of social factors. The management, employee relations, and remuneration policies of both public and commercial enterprises are referred to as governance factors.


Papers submitted to the Sustainable Finance section generally cover the integration of environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) issues into financial decisions. Within companies, sustainability is no longer an ancillary issue confined to corporate social responsibility departments, but a CEO-level issue fundamental to the core business. Within the investment industry, sustainability used to be the exclusive domain of “socially responsible investors” who had social as well as financial objectives, but is now mainstream and includes investors with purely financial goals.

Submissions made under the "Sustainable Finance" category generally deal with how to incorporate environmental, social, and governance (or "ESG") considerations into financial decision-making. Sustainability is now a basic CEO-level concern for the company's core business, not just a side issue reserved for the corporate social responsibility or risk management issues. Sustainability in the investment sector used to be the sole purview of "socially responsible investors," or those who sought to achieve both financial and social objectives. Today, though, it is commonplace and includes investors who have only financial goals in mind.

The goal is to bring forward the understanding of financial risk to the readership and enhance and capability to make better informed investment decisions.


We seek research papers and review articles on the use of sustainable finance in financial settings and decision-making including the risk management processes


5.ESG, Investment Decision, Risk Management, Entrepreneurial Finance, Sustainable.

Published Paper