Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Physical anthropology, biological anthropology or bioanthropology, is one of the sciences that pursues to study the human being in its biological dimension, focusing, among others, on its origin, evolution and physical variations. On the other hand, Human genetics is one of the widest fields in human biology, allowing us to understand not only human biodiversity in modern but also in past societies, understanding how human societies differ or are similar to each other. Not only at the level of human lineages but also at the level of molecularly inherited diseases, studies of biological kinship or studies of external phenotype, human genetics is one of the main fields that best allows us to understand the human being.

Both Physical anthropology and Human Genetics are among the most transversal today sciences, being pillars in Archeology studies, as well as in fields of applied research, such as Forensic Sciences.


Papers submitted to the Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics cover studies of human biology, both from the perspective of physical anthropology and human genetics, in all its domains and contributions, whether at the level of human evolution, human diversity, history and development of societies, as well as other fields of activity, such as forensic sciences, where both physical anthropology and human genetics are a fundamental pillar. The objective of this section is to deepen knowledge about human societies, both in modern and past societies, through an approach from physical anthropology and/or human genetics. Multidisciplinary articles will also be considered, where the contribution of physical anthropology and genetics were crucial to its development.


Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Human Genetics, Human Biology, Human Societies, DNA, ancient DNA

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