Literature and Library
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear colleagues,

Hope you're well.

The library is an integral part of the history of the development of human society, its culture, a bridge between the past and the future. One of the main functions of the library is the storage and transmission of book cultural heritage to future generations.

The study of the history of libraries, as well as literature from private book collections, is an insufficiently researched topic in the reconstruction of cultural (book) heritage, determination of historical and cultural value and their introduction into active practical use.

For scientific research, the object of research is determined, a methodology is drawn up - a research program. The object of scientific research in our case is the library and literature from a private book collection.

The research program examines the prerequisites for organizing a library and the timing of its operation, determining the founders and subordination, as well as the role of the individual in its formation.

Then the composition and quantity of literature in the book fund, the presence of private libraries, book collections, literature collections are specified, indicating the time frame for publication of literature (from the time of creation of the rarity to the present day), as well as the language palette (the list of foreign languages in which the literature is published).

The ways of acquiring literature from the library's book fund (donation, purchase, exchange and other forms of replenishment) are traced. At the same time, accounting (inventory) of the literature of the book fund and maintenance of accounting and inventory books are carried out.

The next stage in the formation of a book fund is the system for arranging literature in the library.

One of the important stages of studying a library is the creation of a reference apparatus for literature from the book fund (catalogues, card indexes, lists).

An important factor in the work of the library is serving readers with literature from the book collection (right of use and operating hours).

The methodology determines the system of library reading rooms (their number and the presence of specialized - subject reading rooms).

Particular attention should be paid to the safety of literature from the book collection in the book depository, its equipment (book shelving system, the use of improvised means to facilitate the service of readers by librarians).

Attribution of provenances is an important source, filled with a wealth of factual material about the time and place of existence of literature from the library, and the ways in which literature forms book collections. Proveniences (super ex libris, ex libris, seals, stickers, marginal records, etc.) in most cases are a determining factor in the restoration of currently lost or dismantled private book collections.

When studying the history of a private book collection, the library study method is used, but it is necessary to additionally study the type of activity of the owner of the literature from the book collection and its location.

I hope that this method of studying the history of libraries and literature from private collections will allow researchers to add new information to the treasury of the cultural heritage of their country.

Looking forward to your contributions.

Prof. Zoya Afanasyeva

Section Editor


Literature; library; Literature from a private book collection; Acquisition of library collections with literature; Languages and year of publication

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