Innovation of policy
Submission deadline: 2024-06-30
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,


In an era marked by rapid transformations, "Innovation of Policy" stands at the forefront of fostering sustainable growth and societal advancement. This section delves into the dynamic interplay between innovative strategies and policy formulation, spotlighting the pivotal role of policy innovation in navigating complex socio-economic challenges. With a focus on integrating novel governance models, emerging technologies, and creative solutions, this field is instrumental in reshaping public policy to align with evolving global trends.


The purpose of this section is to illuminate the myriad ways through which innovative policy-making can drive positive change across various sectors. It examines how technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence and data analytics, are revolutionizing policy development and implementation. Additionally, the section explores how innovative policies can catalyze inclusive growth, environmental sustainability, and equitable development.


A key objective of this section is to showcase interdisciplinary approaches to policy innovation, highlighting collaborations between technologists, policymakers, and social scientists. It aims to publish research articles and reviews that offer fresh perspectives on policy design, evaluate the impact of novel policies, and suggest forward-thinking policy frameworks. Emphasizing the importance of adaptability and resilience, the section seeks contributions that address the challenges and opportunities presented by global phenomena like climate change, digital transformation, and socio-economic disparities.


We invite submissions that blend theoretical insights with practical applications, offering evidence-based recommendations for policy innovation. By fostering a dialogue between academia, industry, and governance, this section aims to contribute significantly to the discourse on modern policy-making. We encourage contributions that push the boundaries of traditional policy analysis and introduce new paradigms for understanding the role of innovation in shaping the future.


We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions, which will undoubtedly enrich the field of policy innovation and provide actionable insights for practitioners and decision-makers alike.


Section Editor,


Dr. Muhammad Rafiq


5.Innovative Policy Design; Technological Advancements in Governance; Interdisciplinary Policy Studies; Sustainability and Policy; Digital Transformation in Policymaking; Inclusive Growth and Policy Innovation; Global Challenges and Policy Responses; Adaptive Policy Frameworks; Resilience in Policy Development; Evidence-Based Policy Recommendations

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