Literature, Arts and Science
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

Literature, art, and science are distinct but interconnected facets of human expression and inquiry that collectively form our world perception. Each discipline gives specific perspectives and methodologies, contributing to the rich tapestry of human knowledge and creativity. Their interaction reflects the complex and symbiotic relationship between imagination, discovery, and the human experience.

Literature, as an art form, profoundly reflects human emotions, thoughts, and studies. Through storytelling, poetry, and prose, literature explores the depths of human lifestyles, delving into love, loss, identification, and societal troubles. It captures the essence of cultures, histories, and diverse perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding among people. Literary works often transcend time, presenting timeless insights into the human circumstance.

Art, encompassing visual, screen performance, and auditory forms, communicates emotions and ideas in ways mere words usually cannot. Visual arts, which include portraying, sculpture, and photography; specifically, the artist's perceptions and interpretations of the arena, invite viewers to contemplate diverse meanings and feelings. Similarly, arts, like dance, music, and theatre, evoke powerful emotions and describe testimonies through motion, rhythm, and expression. Artistic endeavours regularly aim at societal norms, and catalyze cultural and social exchange.

Science, however, is a systematic pursuit of understanding via remark, experimentation, and analysis. Its goals are to realize the natural world, resolve its mysteries, and expand theories and technology that enhance our knowledge and lives. Constantly pushing the bounds of understanding and innovation, it is based on empirical proof, rigorous technique, and logical reasoning to decipher the universe's complexities.

The intersection of literature, art, and science is evident in various aspects. For instance, literature frequently attracts ideas from scientific ideas and discoveries, incorporating them into narratives that speculate on the implications of technological improvements or explore moral dilemmas arising from scientific progress. Similarly, art regularly reflects scientific discoveries and technological advancements by decoding them via creative lenses. Moreover, science has been a subject of exploration and ideas for artists. From the accurate anatomical drawings of Leonardo da Vinci to the fusion of science and art in contemporary installations, the impact of scientific inquiry on artistic expression is profound. Additionally, interdisciplinary collaborations between artists and scientists have emerged, fostering new ways of perceiving, and communicating complex thoughts with bio art that merges organic concepts with inventive creation.

Our objective is to establish literature, art, and science as discipline contributing to the collective development of emotional understanding, creativity, and knowledge. Considering the interdisciplinary nature of their interconnections this section aims to collect articles/reviews fostering theoretical and analytical insight into how humans perceive, interpret, and engage with the world. As we continue to explore these geographical regions, the synergy between literature, art, and science will persist, continually shaping and redefining our perceptions of the universe around us.

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Humera Sharif

Section Editor


Culture and Technology; Art, Literature and Logical Reasoning; Visual Art; Art and Human Civilization; Music and Theatre; Emotions and Logical Reasoning

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