Wind energy conversion technology
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to publish your latest research results in this special collection on Wind energy conversion technology.

The global wind power capacity registered in the last decade, including both onshore and offshore, an exponential increase every year reaching over 900 GW and a consolidated second place among the other renewables. Thus, the wind energy is becoming a major source of green and cost-competitive energy worldwide, although it is site-dependent and its conversion is influenced by the equipment performance.

One major challenge is the increase of energy-conversion efficiency for the purpose of maximizing the use of the onsite renewable potential. Many innovative solutions of wind turbines have been proposed in recent years, such as counter-rotating wind rotors, high-performance mechanical transmissions and more compact and efficient electric generators, including the counter-rotating generator type, large capacity wind turbine that uses multiple, smaller rotors in a spatial arrangement, etc. Besides, integration of wind turbines in built environment have been intensively studies by combining technical, environmental and aesthetic aspects. Researchers and designers in the field are facing market requirements for affordable, efficient, reliable, stable, smart solutions of wind turbines.

This Section Collection is aiming to gather new research results and future trends in the field of wind turbines, covering a broad range of topics of interest for publication but not limited at: innovative design and optimization of wind turbines, their modelling and numerical simulation, intelligent control, reliability and maintenance, wind energy conversion efficiency, integration of wind turbines in built environment, energy management, energy production forecasting, etc.


We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Prof. Dr. Eng. Mircea Neagoe

Section Editor


Horizontal-axis wind turbine; Vertical-axis wind turbine; Counter-rotating wind turbine; On-shore wind turbine; Off-shore wind turbine; Wind rotor; Speed increaser; Electrical generator; Integration in built environment; Forecasting; Design; Optimisation; Innovation; Modelling; Dynamics; Control; Simulation; Prototyping; Experimental testing; Economics; Reliability; Maintenance; Condition monitoring; Recycling.

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