Climate Change and Global Health
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

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Dear colleagues,


The fourth scientific report of the Intergovernmental Climate Change Panel (IPCC), published in 2007, it brought evidence about climate changes on the planet. O document suggested, with confidence above 90%, that the global warming of the last 50 years is caused mostly by human activities, noting that the problem will reach all areas, especially the least developed countries located in the tropical region. Global warming has been changing the planet’s climate pattern, leading to increasing frequency, intensity and duration of extreme weather events and natural disasters. The impact of climate change is both global and local. Greenhouse gases play a central role in climate change, contributing significantly to the increase in average global temperatures. Climate change and global health are intricately linked, presenting a multifaceted challenge in the 21st century. The changing climate affects the physical environment and ecosystems, disrupting established patterns and interactions with human health. This connection manifests through various pathways such as altered disease patterns, extreme weather events posing direct health risks, food insecurity, and compromised air and water quality. Additionally, climate-induced migration emerges as a consequential response to environmental changes, further complicating health challenges. Mitigating these impacts necessitates comprehensive global strategies, encompassing sustainable practices, resilient healthcare systems, and collaborative efforts to address both the immediate and long-term global health consequences of climate change. As the world acknowledging with the urgency of this global health crisis, understanding these interconnections becomes imperative for effective and equitable responses. And it is also very important the implementation and regularly reviewing policies that enhance the resilience of the healthcare system.


We aim to explore, the intersection of climate change and global health with reference to comprehensive strategies that prioritize both environmental sustainability and public health. Understanding the complex relationship between climate change and global health involves examining the impact on disease patterns, water and food security, extreme weather events, and the overall resilience of healthcare systems. Thus, the relations above mentioned are our focus. Research articles and reviews in this area of study are welcome.


Prof. Dr. Maria Gabriela Meirelles

Section Editors


Climate change; Global health; Mitigation; Global Strategies; Extreme Climate Events; Resilient Health Systems

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