Building Integration
Submission deadline: 2024-11-09
Section Collection Editors

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Dear colleagues,

Modern construction has found key answers in Building Integration Systems (BIS), which meet the demand for smooth coordination and administration of many building systems. BIS is the integration of many technologies, including lighting, HVAC, security, and communication systems, to produce a single platform that offers complete control and improved operating efficiency. Modern technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) make this integration possible and enable intelligent decision-making and real-time data transmission. In addition to maximizing resource use, BIS adoption promotes sustainability, energy efficiency, and better occupant experiences. BIS, the foundation of smart buildings is essential to creating responsive and intelligent built environments.


Building Integration Systems, BIS, System Integration, IoT (Internet of Things), Building Management, Operational Efficiency, Sustainability, Smart Buildings, Security Integration, Occupant Experience

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