Engineering Psychology
Submission deadline: 2024-11-08
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

Engineering psychology, a fascinating and interdisciplinary field, lies at the intersection of psychology and engineering. Also known as human factors engineering or ergonomics, it delves into the intricate relationship between humans and the design of products, systems, and environments. Its overarching objective is to optimize designs to enhance human performance, safety, and overall well-being in an increasingly complex technological landscape.

The Multidisciplinary Nature: At its core, engineering psychology is a melting pot of diverse disciplines. It draws insights from psychology, engineering, physiology, cognitive science, anthropology, and more. This multidisciplinary approach allows practitioners to understand the intricate nuances of human behavior, cognitive processes, and physical capabilities in various contexts.

Human-Centered Design Philosophy: Central to engineering psychology is the human-centered design philosophy. This approach places the human user at the forefront of the design process. It recognizes that successful design should seamlessly integrate with human capabilities and limitations. By creating intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient designs, engineering psychology seeks to enhance user satisfaction and mitigate potential errors.

Applying Psychological Principles: The principles of perception, cognition, memory, attention, and decision-making serve as building blocks for engineering psychology. These principles guide design decisions, ensuring that interfaces, tools, and systems align with the way humans naturally process information. By harnessing these psychological insights, engineering psychologists create designs that optimize efficiency, minimize errors, and foster a positive user experience.

Usability Testing and Evaluation: Usability testing forms a cornerstone of engineering psychology. It involves observing real users as they interact with products or systems. By analyzing user behavior and feedback, practitioners can identify usability issues, pain points, and areas for improvement. Usability testing ensures that designs are not only functional but also intuitive and easy to use.

Safety Enhancement and Error Reduction: In high-stakes industries such as aviation, healthcare, and manufacturing, engineering psychology plays a pivotal role in enhancing safety and reducing human errors. By analyzing human-machine interactions, practitioners can identify potential sources of error and design safeguards to prevent them. This proactive approach contributes to safer and more reliable systems.

Designing for Diverse User Groups: Engineering psychology champions inclusivity by considering the needs of diverse user groups. Whether designing for older adults, individuals with disabilities, or culturally diverse populations, practitioners ensure that designs are accessible and accommodating. This commitment to inclusivity aligns with the broader goals of societal progress and equal opportunity.

Innovation in Human-Technology Interaction: As technology continues to evolve, so do the challenges and opportunities in human-technology interaction. Engineering psychology is at the forefront of innovations such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence interfaces. It explores how these technologies can be seamlessly integrated into human lives while maintaining a positive and meaningful user experience.


The primary objective of research publication in the field of Engineering Psychology is to contribute valuable insights and knowledge to the intersection of psychology and engineering, with a focus on understanding and enhancing the interactions between humans and technology. Research publications serve several important purposes:

1. Advancement of Knowledge: Publishing research in Engineering Psychology helps expand the collective body of knowledge in the field. It contributes to a deeper understanding of human behavior, cognition, and performance in various technological contexts.

2. Innovation and Design Improvement: Research publications provide a platform to share innovative ideas, methodologies, and design approaches that optimize the usability, safety, and effectiveness of products, systems, and environments. This can lead to improved designs and better user experiences.

3. Problem Solving: Publications often address specific challenges and issues in human-technology interaction. By sharing solutions to these challenges, researchers contribute to the development of practical strategies for mitigating errors, enhancing safety, and promoting user well-being.

4. Validation and Replication: Peer-reviewed publications offer a way for researchers to present their findings to the scientific community. This process encourages validation and replication of research, ensuring that the reported results are robust and reliable.

5. Guiding Policy and Practice: Research publications can influence industry practices and inform the development of standards and guidelines for product design, workplace environments, and technology use. Policymakers and practitioners can use evidence-based research to make informed decisions.

6. Collaboration and Networking: Sharing research through publications fosters collaboration and networking within the Engineering Psychology community. It allows researchers to connect, exchange ideas, and potentially collaborate on future projects.

7. Education and Training: Publications contribute to educational resources for students, professionals, and researchers interested in the field. They provide insights into theoretical frameworks, research methodologies, and practical applications of Engineering Psychology principles.

8. Awareness and Outreach: By publishing their work, researchers raise awareness of the importance of human factors and user-centered design in engineering and technology. This can lead to greater recognition of the field's contributions and its potential impact on society.

9. Contribution to Society: Many research topics in Engineering Psychology have direct implications for public safety and well-being. By sharing research findings, researchers can contribute to the development of safer and more user-friendly technologies and systems.

10. Scientific Progress: Ultimately, research publications in Engineering Psychology contribute to the scientific progress of the field. They facilitate the exchange of ideas, drive innovation, and encourage continuous exploration and improvement of human-technology interactions.

In summary, research publication in Engineering Psychology serves the overarching goal of advancing the understanding of how humans interact with technology and promoting the design of more effective, safe, and user-friendly products, systems, and environments.


We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Dr. Vinit Kumar Gunjan

Section Editor


Human Factors Engineering Ergonomics User-Centered Design Usability Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Cognitive Engineering Human Performance Human Error Safety Critical Systems Perception and Cognition Attention and Memory Interface Design User Experience (UX) Task Analysis Workplace Design Human-Machine Interaction Automation Training and Skill Development Usability Testing User Interface (UI) Accessibility and Inclusivity Aging and Technology Virtual Reality (VR) Augmented Reality (AR) Ethical Design Cognitive Load Decision-Making Situational Awareness Teamwork and Collaboration Psychomotor Skills Data Visualization Feedback Design Human-Centered Automation Risk Perception Task Load Mental Workload Cognitive Psychology Healthcare Ergonomics Aviation Psychology Transportation Safety

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