Health, Well-Being and Sustainability
Submission deadline: 2024-04-30
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

In our rapidly evolving world, the pursuit of health, well-being, and sustainability stands as a matter of paramount significance. This section is dedicated to exploring the convergence of two pivotal domains - the Circular Economy and Nutraceuticals.


The prevalence of chronic diseases is on the rise in developed nations. Research endeavors strive to implement preventive measures, aiming to enhance not only the quantity but also the quality of life. In this context, a plant-rich diet appears to play a protective role, partially owing to the presence of polyphenols.


The identification of phytochemicals and active molecules extracted from agri-food industry by-products has the potential to facilitate the development of nutraceuticals with a preventive impact on various chronic-degenerative diseases while concurrently reducing waste and pollution.


We will delve into the ways in which circular principles can be harnessed to augment the sustainability of nutraceutical production and distribution. Furthermore, we will explore the prospective role of nutraceuticals in chronic disease prevention, with a particular focus on the imperative for innovation in both food and nutraceutical development. By embracing the circular economy concept and advancing research in food chemistry and nutraceuticals, we can make substantial contributions to promoting healthier lives and fostering a more sustainable future.

We look forward to receiving your contributions. 

Dr. Matteo Micucci

Section Editor 


Circular Economy;Nutraceuticals;Food Chemistry;Chronic Metabolic Diseases;Cardiovascular Health; Sustainable Nutrition;Dietary Innovation;Health Promotion;Preventive Healthcare;Sustainability Initiatives

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