Protein Engineering in Biomedical Application
Submission deadline: 2024-05-31
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Dear colleagues,

Protein engineering is the process of modifying the structure of proteins. It assigns them new or desirable characteristics in terms of activity, solubility, desire, stability, specificity, resistance, etc. Therefore, it can increase the speed of protein development.


Protein engineering has been one of the most fruitful technological methods in biotechnology because it is both very powerful and can create valuable intellectual property.


The use of this expertise to change the activity or stability of industrial enzymes from lipases to proteases, from carboxypeptidases to glucanases and glucosidases, and from pectin-modifying enzymes to enzymes capable of breaking down competing compounds, has been widely covered. It shows how diverse areas such as agro-food technology, chemistry, detergents, biorefining and biosensors receive significant contributions from protein and solvent engineering.


Its applications in healthcare also include the development of new vaccines for new potential therapeutic proteins. Special mention is made of this expertise in the development of target molecules for drug discovery.



Protein; Biotechnology; Vaccines; Recombinant protein; Drug

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