Environmental literature
Submission deadline: 2024-10-31
Section Collection Editors

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Dear Colleagues,

Today, more than ever, the modern world is experiencing permanent mutations that will undoubtedly lead to a change in its destiny. The abundance of natural disasters in recent years, ranging from the expansion of the desert to the drying up of groundwater, the disappearance of certain animal and plant species, the rise in sea level with the melting of polar glaciers, are the proof of these mutations very alarming. All of this bears witness to the ecological crisis that humanity is going through today, as a consequence of the overexploitation of the environment. Faced with this very worrying problem, conscious humanity has no choice but to react in an attempt to curb or at least limit the causes of this direct conflict between man and his environment. In this context, many voices are being raised in various ways to draw attention to and propose ways out of the environmental crisis that is the main challenge facing the modern world. From politicians to civil society, specialists in the exact sciences such as human sciences and others, the main objective of everyone’s reflections is to provide an answer to the following questions: How to solve the environmental problems that humanity faces today? What future for modern man in the face of current climate chaos?

In this climate of confusion and emergency, where humanity is racing against the clock, what the contribution of literature is as an expression of the imaginary, a vehicle of social values and human experiences. Thus, if literature has a moral role in society, attacking all social problems, what treatment does contemporary literary discourse accord to the ecological issue? Answering this question enables us to locate literature as a discipline in relation to the ecological challenge of the contemporary world.

It is very useful to see how contemporary literature treats environmental themes. Unpublished articles relating to environmental literature are welcome.

We look forward to your contributions.

Dr. Kuate Wafo Rodolphe

Section Editor


Mutations; Natural disasters; Modern world; Environment; Environmental crisis; Literary discourse; Ecological issues; Humanity

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