Remotely Sensed Images
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

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Dear Colleagues,

Remote sensing images are crucial for numerous applications, but their reliability depends on specific factors that play a key role in determining their quality.

Weather conditions can significantly impact image quality. Cloud cover, precipitation, and atmospheric disturbances may obstruct the image acquisition process, resulting in reduced clarity and accuracy. Noises, both internal and external, can introduce unwanted variations and artifacts into the data, affecting the overall image quality. Addressing and minimizing noise sources are vital considerations. Optical system performance plays a pivotal role. The quality of lenses, sensors, and cameras, as well as their calibration and maintenance, are essential for capturing high-resolution and reliable images.

Vibrations can distort images, particularly in aerial or satellite-based remote sensing. Ensuring stable platforms and proper stabilization mechanisms are in place is crucial. Aberrations in the optical system can lead to distortions in the image. Corrective measures, such as using specialized lenses or post-processing techniques, are necessary to mitigate these effects.

Various other factors, such as geometric accuracy, radiometric calibration, and data compression techniques, also impact image quality. Achieving the right balance between data size reduction and information preservation is essential for optimal results.

Understanding and addressing these factors is imperative for producing remote sensing data that informs decision-making, supports resource management, and enhances disaster mitigation efforts. Image integrity is pivotal in addressing complex challenges across various disciplines.

We warmly invite all colleagues to contribute their expertise and insights to this field. Your contributions play a vital role in advancing our understanding of Earth's processes and in shaping a sustainable future. Join us in this exciting journey of exploration and discovery.

Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Ali

Section Editors


Remote Sensing Image Quality; Optical System; Image Noises; Geometric Accuracy; Radiometric Calibration; Degraded Images

Published Paper