Social system
Submission deadline: 2023-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

The "Social System" Section Collection Project embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the intricate dynamics that underpin human societies. At its core, this project seeks to unravel the complex web of interactions, structures, and cultural phenomena that collectively form the foundation of our social systems. From macro-level societal structures to micro-level interpersonal relationships, the project aims to provide a nuanced understanding of how individuals coexist and contribute to the broader tapestry of societal existence. The journey commences by dissecting the fundamental components of social systems, delving into the rich tapestry of cultural practices and norms. Cultural anthropology takes center stage, offering a lens through which we examine the diverse ways in which societies express their values, beliefs, and traditions. The project navigates the labyrinth of organizational frameworks, exploring the roles of institutions and their impact on shaping collective behavior. This exploration extends beyond the surface, uncovering the subtle nuances that influence societal structures and the patterns of human interaction. The project unpacks the mechanisms through which connections are forged, maintained, and sometimes strained, contributing to the broader social mosaic.


As we navigate through this exploration, the goal is to foster a profound understanding of the forces that shape our social systems and, in turn, our shared human experience.In essence, the "Social System" Section Collection Project is a holistic journey through the layers of human society. It invites readers to contemplate the intricate dance of cultural traditions, the subtleties of interpersonal relationships, and the overarching structures that govern our collective existence. In the context of the contemporary landscape, the project also explores the profound impact of technology on social systems. It delves into the transformative effects of the digital age, investigating how technology shapes communication, identity, and community structures. From the advent of social media to the implications of artificial intelligence, the project contemplates the evolving nature of human connection and societal organization in the 21st century.


It is important to collect the experiences of " Social System ". Seminal research articles and reviews in this area of study are welcome.


We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Dr. Qiang He

Section Editor


Social Systems; Cultural Practices; Organizational Frameworks; Cultural Anthropology; Interpersonal Dynamics; Social Institutions; Social Stratification; Technological Impact; Contemporary Society; Human Interaction

Published Paper