Healthcare system
Submission deadline: 2023-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

According to WHO, a healthcare system consists of all organizations, people and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health. That includes efforts to influence health determinants as well as more direct activities focusing on health improvement. A healthcare system therefore, includes not only the pyramid of publicly owned facilities that deliver personal health services but also, maternal home care; private providers; behaviour change programmes; vector-control campaigns; health insurance organizations; occupational health and safety, transnational health care. As we enter the third year of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, healthcare systems have faced systemic challenges in the delivery of health care. The COVID-19 pandemic has pointed outthe need to both synthesize new healthcare delivery models and analyze the current models for needed systemic changes. In the digital age, data constitutes  the main source of information in healthcare. When this information is handled correctly, it helps authorities make efficient inferences and apply succesfull policies.. Quantitative analyses data mining and statistics for decision making are developing rapidly in many fields such as  health and wellness research.



The main objective of this section is to care is to publish quantitative research articles supporting the advancement of quantitative research  in the field of healthcare systems. Thus, this Topic invites innovative quantitative research articles on diverse aspects of healthcare systems, which are not restricted to the below thematic areas: Health care system financing and organization, health determinants, health programs and campaigns, occupational health and safety, transnational health care (medical and wellness tourism). We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Vilelmine (Vilma) Carayanni

Section Editor


Quantitative Data analysis; healthcare systems; health determinants; health and safety; organization and financing; health tourism; pandemics; health and safety

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