Power Electronics Equipments
Submission deadline: 2024-10-13
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,


Power electronics is a rapidly evolving field that is expected to play a critical role in the transition to a more sustainable energy future. Power electronics systems are used in a wide range of applications, including industrial automation, consumer electronics, renewable energy systems, and electric vehicles (EVs). Over the next decade, a momentous growth in the need for EV power electronics is expected. The development of power electronics equipment has been primarily driven by advances in semiconductor technology and control systems which have led to the development of more efficient and reliable converter systems. Also, wide bandgap semiconductors, including silicon carbide and gallium nitride, are being utilized to provide increased efficiency, higher switching frequencies, size reduction, and improved thermal abilities compared to traditional silicon-based switches. Power electronics equipment that converts, controls, and distributes the electrical energy in EVs, play a crucial role in the electrification of transportation systems. They can provide highly efficient operation that enable bidirectional power flow between the battery and the power actuator. The key aim here is to boost the performance, efficiency, as well as the reliability of EVs. However, the design of power electronics systems is challenging due to their multidisciplinary nature that interlinks electrical, thermal, mechanical, control, software, and magnetic aspects. The state-of-the-art points to the performance and reliability increase of power electronics equipment in EV applications to provide high power density operation, efficient thermal management, and cost reduction. Moreover, the latest research proposes EV interaction with the smart grid describing the future electric power system model.


In this section collection, it is aimed to publish original research material that covers the progress in power electronics equipment/converters/systems for EV applications.  


Topics include, but are not limited to the following research areas for EV applications,


· Control system design

· Novel circuit topologies

· Application of artificial intelligence and data-driven approaches

· Optimization and coordination of charging of EVs

· Energy storage systems

· Battery management systems

· Wired/wireless charging systems

· Hybrid energy systems

· EV interaction with smart grids

· State-of-the-art reviews on EVs

· Autonomous driving systems

· Reliability studies



We look forward to receiving your contributions,


Prof. Dr. Ahmet Mete VURAL

Section Editor


Electric vehicles; Plug in electric vehicles; Plug in hybrid electric vehicles; Fuel cell vehicles; Transportation electrification; Power electronics converters; Wide-band-gap semiconductors; Renewable energy; Charging infrastructure; Battery management systems

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