Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

Research in the broad field of Biomaterials has led to the development of an incredible range of implantable biomedical devices over the past several decades, and it continues to be central to the introduction of new medical therapies ranging from engineered tissues to delivery vehicles for genes and drugs, to immune therapies.The Biomaterials includes mammalian cell measurements, microbial cell measurements, biomaterials and cell-material interactions, and advanced imaging and spectroscopy.  These efforts led to the development and translation of cell and microbe-based therapeutics, Interaction of microbes in support of the bioeconomy. A hallmark of the biomaterials field has been its multidisciplinarity. It has been in line that a third revolution in biomedical science is approaching, where multidisciplinary will emerge where scientists are equal partners with biologists and clinicians in addressing many of the new medical challenges. The field of biomaterials started with physicians, then embraced engineers, and was energized and legitimized by the molecular biology revolution. The most important challenge in using these biomaterials is immune rejection because in current situation the lifetime implants and bone replacement are emerged challenges in the field of biomaterials. Till now a number of biomaterials have been discovered and due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability, these are biomaterials are employed significantly in biotherapy and medical science.


For this, it is important to collect the experiences of different aspects of biomaterials, their advanced research and to consider their impacts. Research articles and reviews in this area of study are welcome.


Looking forward to receiving your contributions.


Dr. Limpon Bora

Section Editor


Biomaterials; Molecular Biology; Biocompatibility; Biomedical devices; Microbial cell measurement; Biomedical devices

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