Section Collection Information
Dear Colleagues,
Control system theory and various design techniques are widely used in aerospace, especially in developing aircraft and spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control systems. Such systems have been critical to the success of many aerospace systems and will continue to be in the future. Specifically, control techniques play several essential roles, ranging from vibration suppression, passive and active dynamic control, jet engine control, transmission control, combustion analysis and control, acoustic transmission, thermal efficiency, aeroelastic couplings, etc.
The design of these systems involves advanced techniques, including nonlinear optimization, adaptive estimation, nonlinear observer, and control design methodologies. Recently, these advanced techniques have been successfully applied to various types of aircraft, spacecraft, and unmanned aerial systems.
This section intends to provide a wide range of readers with an excellent collection of emerging aerospace control techniques. In this context, this section is specifically looking for original research and review articles contributing on:
- Structural mechanics control problems
- Propulsion systems control problems
- Flight mechanics control problems
- Space flight control problems
- Vibration suppression
- Passive control
- Active dynamic control
- Smart materials for control applications
- Thermal efficiency
- Acoustic transmission optimization
- Jet engine control
- Transmission Control
- Combustion efficiency
- Aeroelastic coupling problem
- Re-entry orbit problem
- Transfer orbit problem
We look forward to receiving your submissions and kindly invite you to address the Guest Editor in case of further questions.
Prof. Nguyen Xuan-Mung
Dr. Mohammad Tahmasbi
Section Editor