Toxicology in Immunology
Submission deadline: 2024-10-06
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Dear Colleagues,

Toxicology in immunology is a crucial interdisciplinary field that explores the impact of toxic substances on the immune system. It investigates how various chemicals, drugs, and environmental factors can modulate immune responses, potentially leading to immune dysfunction, allergies, or autoimmune diseases. Researchers in this field examine the toxic effects of substances on immune cells, cytokines, and signaling pathways. By understanding toxicology in immunology we are able to evaluate the safety of pharmaceuticals, environmental pollutants, and occupational exposures. It also plays a vital role in developing therapeutic strategies for immune-related disorders and promoting public health by minimizing toxicological risks.


Immunotoxicity ,Toxicants ,Immune Dysfunction,Autoimmunity ,Allergy,Cytokines ,Chemical Exposure ,Risk Assessment: Evaluation of potential hazards associated with toxic substances to human immune function.

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