Chemistry for Life Science by Protein Engineering
Submission deadline: 2024-08-31
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Life is easy to identify, but remarkably hard to define. Due to the massive impact of cancer deadly disease, researchers worldwide are focused on developing different novel carrier systems to deliver anticancer agents at the target sites without producing harmful effects on healthy tissues. The nature of cancer, its area and progression stage will determine the outcome of therapy. Different strategies, including surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy, are used to treat cancer. Among these, chemotherapy is recognized as the main choice for the eradication of cancer cells. However, the conformist delivery systems for chemotherapy have some limitations. The cancer cell also develops resistance and escapes from the chemotherapeutic effects. New advances in drug delivery systems were achieved based on nanotechnology for momentous oncotherapy improvements by providing anticancers at higher concentrations to targeted sites to overcome chemotherapy’s limitations. The potential use and efficacy of numerous drug nanocarriers are much higher than normal ones for anticancer agents. Chemistry with computer simulations as well as protein engineering can be used to enhance our fundamental understanding of different diseases and how to overcome them. Also it helps in understanding of enzymes, their role, and mechanisms in the treatment of these diseases.


Chemistry for Life Science; Protein Engineering; nanocarriers; anticancer agents; computer simulations.

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