Clinical Psychology
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

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Clinical psychology is a scientific and practical field that focuses on the study, diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. Its goal is to understand the roots of these problems and to develop effective therapeutic strategies that help patients regain their mental health.

The relationship between clinical psychology and health psychology is important and mutually beneficial. In addition to focusing on the treatment of disorders, clinical psychology is also involved in the promotion of mental health and overall well-being. By integrating the two fields, a comprehensive approach to patient care is possible, taking into account physical, emotional and mental aspects.

Currently, epidemiological studies note that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the mental health of many people, leading to an increase in cases of depression, anxiety, stress and sleep disorders. Clinical psychology specialists are being mobilized to provide support and therapy to people struggling to cope with the difficulties associated with the pandemic. Their task is to help cope with the negative effects of the pandemic and minimize the impact on mental health by adapting therapeutic interventions to new challenges and social situations.

Of course, I encourage researchers working in clinical psychology and its links to health psychology to publish in this and other relevant contexts.

Publications can focus on the following areas:

1. Analyzing the growth of cases of mental disorders.

2. Studying the impact of psycho-social determinants developing prevention strategies.

3. Assessing the availability and effectiveness of treatment.

4. Identification of risk and protective factors.

5. Studying long-term consequences for mental health and proposing long-term interventions.

Collaboration between researchers in different fields can lead to a better understanding of the phenomena and the development of more comprehensive intervention strategies. We look forward to your valuable research and publications in this important context of mental health in the era of the pandemic.


Mateusz Grajek, PhD


clinical psychology; health psychology; psychodietetics; psychotraumatology; psychosomatics; psychotherapy; public health and epidemiology

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