International and Regional Economics
Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors

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Dear colleague,

International and regional economics are areas of research interest that have been growing in importance in recent years. This is due, among other things, to the increasing role of local actors in the construction of local economies, which are in turn a fragment of national and global economies. On the one hand, the main issues of international economics are the phenomena of globalisation and internationalisation, the movement of capital, services, people and labour, or sustainable development, while on the other hand, the widely developed phenomena of poverty, financial risks, unemployment or debt. Similar phenomena are found in the field of regional economics, which focuses on typically local issues, linking them to problems of wider scope and scale. Local currencies (a.k.a. complementary currencies), which are increasingly gaining in importance due to, among other things, the search for new and effective solutions as an effective instrument for making payments, undertaking economic cooperation with various entities, or even creating an economic culture in a region that is typically reserved for it, can be an example of such a solution that links these two areas of economics.

Submissions to International and Regional Economics should cover issues relating to positive as well as negative aspects of economics within the scope of international and local economics. They may include, inter alia, an economic, statistical or financial analysis of selected economic problems, or a description of phenomena of international and/or local character, presenting relevant conclusions of cognitive and applied character.


International Economics; Regional Economics; Globalization Development; Local Economy; International Economy; Problems of Local and International Economy; Opportunities and Challenges of the Local and International Economy

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