Artificial intelligence assisted protein science and engineering
Submission deadline: 2024-08-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleague:

The cutting-edge research where artificial intelligence (AI) and the complexities of protein science and engineering collide is at the forefront of the "Artificial Intelligence Assisted Protein Science and Engineering"area. By examining proteins' structure, function, and uses, this multidisciplinary field explores the mysteries of proteins using the power of AI algorithms and methodologies. Protein analysis, prediction, and design haveundergone a revolution thanks to AI-driven methodologies including machine learning, deep learning, and computational modeling. By enabling the quick and accurate analysis of enormous protein databases, AI speeds up the process of finding new drugs, encourages enzyme engineering, and makes it easier to implement creative biotechnology applications.

This section provides a platform for researchers, scientists, and engineers to share their pioneering work, from novel AI-driven methodologies to groundbreaking applications in protein science and engineering. Collaboration between AI experts and life scientists is key to unlocking new horizons in biotechnology and therapeutics. Contributions encompassing AI-guided protein structure prediction, drug-target interactions, rational protein design, and AI-powered tools for experimental validation are particularly encouraged.



Artificial intelligence; Protein science; Bioinformatics; Protein engineering; Machine learning; Deep learning; Computational modeling; Drug discovery; Enzyme design; Biotechnology; Protein structure predictionTherapeutics;

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