Folk Arts
Submission deadline: 2024-09-15
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Folk arts are rooted in the everyday life of people. They are the living testimonies of our shared history, providing a profound connection to our shared history and culture. Beyond their inherent aesthetic value, they represent a resilient cultural form that continues to hold significant relevance within contemporary society.

This special collection invites scholars and artists to reconsider folk arts by transcending conventional labels such as local or 'global, static or dynamic, primitive or modern.We will offer a diverse array of papers that illuminate the multifaceted nature of folk arts, tracing the roots and evolution of folk arts, unraveling their intricate techniques, exploring their interactions and exchanges with both domestic and foreign artistic traditions, and examining their cross-cultural transmission. Moreover, these articles delve into the aesthetic values and cultural significance embedded within these art forms, shedding light on the agency of folk arts and proposing strategies for their preservation in our modern world.

Our overarching goal is to facilitate a transnational dialogue among the diverse realms of folk art. We strongly encourage comparative studies that not only underscore the shared elements but also accentuate the distinctions within folk art traditions across nations.



folk art; folk culture; cultural transmission; cultural identity; material culture; cultural preservation; community

Published Paper