Delivery of nanomedicines
Submission deadline: 2023-11-06
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Nanotechnology has been shown to bridge the barrier of biological and physical sciences by applying nanostructures and nanophases at various fields of science, including nanomedicine and nano-based drug delivery systems, where such particles are of major interest. Nanomedicines are used as diagnostic tools and for the delivery of therapeutic agents to specific targeted sites. They provide numerous advantages in the treatment of diseases through the site-specific delivery of medicines, such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, low toxicity, drug delivery efficiency, drug targeting efficiency, improved solubility, and bioavailability. Nanomedicines can also improve the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Chemotherapeutics, biological and immunotherapeutic agents are notable applications of these systems.


This Section Collection welcomes research and review articles that aim in providing up-to-date reports on recent advances in the field of nanomedicine and nano-based drug delivery systems through a thorough examination of the discovery and application of nanomaterials in improving the efficacy of both novel and existing active therapeutic biomolecules, diagnostic tools and state of the art drug delivery systems. In addition, this issue aims at collecting information on trends and perspectives in the field of nanomedicine.


drug delivery, nanomaterials, nanomedicines, liposomal systems, nanostructured lipid carriers, self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems, solid lipid nanoparticles, polymeric nanoparticles, nanocarriers

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