Performing Arts
Submission deadline: 2024-04-19
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Theatre has long been celebrated as a dynamic form of live art, engaging audiences through the immediacy of human interaction. However, the evolving landscape of our modern era presents us with the opportunity to reexamine the essence of theatre in light of technological advancements, particularly the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). We invite performance studies scholars, social science researchers, drama and theatre practitioners, and artists to contribute to a comprehensive discussion on the intersection of theatre and AI.


In an era when AI can compose theatrical plays, dissect scripts, and even propose directorial strategies, we face a profound shift in how we perceive and create theatre. This necessitate the question: How do we respond as both educational institutions and an industry rooted in tradition to the advancment of AI? What are the implications for pedagogy, performance, and creativity in the realm of AI-generated theatre?


We encourage submissions that critically analyze how AI is reshaping theatrical practices and pedagogy. Papers can explore the potential of AI-generated content, interprate its impact on traditional artistic roles, and scrutinize the ethical and creative dimensions of collaboration between human creators and AI systems.


Submissions are encouraged in a range of formats, including traditional research papers, thought-provoking articles, manifestos that chart new directions, dialogues between human and AI voices, and AI-generated content with human revisions. While AI-generated contributions are welcome, a human researcher's perspective is required to lend depth and insight to the discourse.



Theatre;Digital HUmanities;Artificial Intelligence (AI);Performance Studies;AIGenerated Theatre; Theatre Pedagogy; Pedagogy Theatre ;PracticeTheatre Pedagogy;ted Theatre;

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