Fluid Mechanics
Submission deadline: 2024-08-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

The Section Collection Project on fluid mechanics in "Aerospace Technology and Engineering" aims to explore the fundamental principles and applications of fluid mechanics in the aerospace industry. Fluid mechanics plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of fluids such as air and water, and its application is vital for designing and optimizing aircraft, spacecraft, and other aerospace systems. This section will cover topics such as fluid properties, fluid statics and dynamics, Bernoulli' s equation, flow measurement techniques, boundary layer theory, and applications of fluid mechanics in aerospace engineering. The project will provide a comprehensive overview of the principles governing fluid flow, including the analysis of forces, pressures, velocities, and the effects of viscosity. It will also delve into the practical aspects of fluid mechanics, including flow visualization methods and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. By examining real-world examples and case studies, this section aims to enhance the understanding of fluid mechanics in the context of aerospace technology and engineering.

Research articles and reviews in this area of study are welcome.

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Dr. Younes Amini

Dr. BEN HAMIDA Mohamed Bechir

Dr. Amir Abbas

Section Editor


Fluid mechanics ; Aerospace engineering ; Fluid properties ; Bernoulli' s equation ; Flow measurement techniques ; Boundary layer theory ; Viscosity ; Flow visualization ; Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) ; Aerospace systems

Published Paper