Nanomaterials for Device
Submission deadline: 2023-12-31
Section Collection Editors

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Dear Colleagues,


Recently nanomaterials including nanotechnologies are very r interested and   focused for researches developments in many researches fields (materials science, physics, chemistry, and engineering…).  


Nanomaterials have at least one dimension that measures between 1 and 100 nanometers (nm). Nanomaterial are classified according to their dimension (zero-dimensional (0D), one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), and three-dimensional (3D). Nanomaterials can be composed of various substances, including metals, semiconductors, or organic compounds such as carbon-based, metal-based, dendrimers, composites, and unique substances like quantum dots or liposomes. Nanomaterials can be produced by many methods via two approaches of Top-down, and Bottom-up


Nanomaterials have a wide range of unique properties depending on their size, shape, and composition. Two main factors of the relative increase in surface area and quantum confinement that play a vital role to creating many special new properties including the increased strength, light weight, increased control over light spectrum, enhanced magnetic properties, increased reactivity, and unique quantum effects. These properties make nanomaterials useful in a variety of applications.


The nanomaterials for devices including the different kinds, such as metal nanoparticles, poly aromatic hydrocarbons, silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes. This application is widely dominated in electronics for manufacture of transistors, different sensors, and other components, energy production and in solar panels and batteries; in the Printed electronics and in many others. In the upcoming years we can expect this research orientation to shift more toward application sectors as nanodevices are amalgamated with existing technologies. Indeed  the nanomaterials have  widely applications in many others fields  such as cosmetics, medicine - healthcare, construction,  aerospace, the military automotive , environmental preservation processes, food, textile, renewable energies, printing, textile, home appliances, petroleum, sports and Fitness…


Nanomaterial has many advantages as mentioned but there are also many disadvantages such as there is not a large amount of information on the health and safety aspects of exposure to the nanomaterials; Nanomaterials is considered to be inhalation exposure. Nanomaterials can interact with biological systems in unexpected ways, in additional their manufacturing processes can often be complex and difficult.


The significance of nanomaterials lies in their potential to transform numerous fields, that can facilitate the creation of small-scale products and processes at the nanoscale. So the field of nanomaterials is rapidly evolving and holds great promise for the future. These could revolutionize in many fields especially for devices in electronics-computing field, energy, and in many others. However, the safe and responsible development and use of nanomaterials will be crucial to their success.


Based on above summary, here we are interested in the collective corporations of all scientific researchers in the research and developments of the different aspects of nanomaterials for devices. For this, it is important to collect the experiences and knowledge for contributions in the fields of nanomaterials for devices including developments of the new nanomaterials technologies, explore the new kinds and properties of nanomaterials, their advantages and disadvantages, and applications for the different field…


We look forward to receiving your contributions


Prof. Dr.Sc. Dao Khac An

Dr. Nguyen Duy Thien

Section Editors


Nanomaterials Concepts; Nanomaterials Classifications; Nanomaterials Properties; Nanomaterials Applications Fields; Nanomaterials for Devices; Advantages and Disadvantages; Challenges and Further Research Developments; Interest for Contributions

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